Make a large-scale collaborative work of art in 2D and 3D!
Toolbox Digi-fab Collab
October 2020 through March 2021
Note: This program is only available for those that qualify for programming
Session Dates: Oct.17, 31; Nov. 14, 28; Dec. 12; Jan. 9, 23; Feb. 6, 20; Mar. 6
About this Program
In partnership with Ryerson’s Creative Technologies Lab at FCAD the Toolbox Digi-fab Collab allows youth to work together towards a large cumulative project to be exhibited in Toolbox’s annual year end show. The project is rooted in creating a design process that responds to the limitations and considerations brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will rethink our design, fabrication, and manufacturing strategies to fit a world with disrupted global supply chains, and social distancing in place. We will also consider how to design for the contemporary home, which now holds new functions and identities.
Participants will work remotely, together, in small virtual groups guided by Toolbox instructors, using digital design and remote collaboration softwares. Students will design objects for the home (furniture, decor, etc) using 3D printed joinery, wood, and CNC and laser cutting technologies. Students may also create additional supporting elements using 2D digital productions (2D imagery, writing, posters) for displaying their works in an exhibition.The digitally designed objects will be digitally fabricated at Ryerson’s Creative Technologies Lab at FCAD, to emulate a “digital distribution” model. All pieces will come together to form a cohesive, large-scale collaborative art installation to be publicly exhibited.
2020-2021 Digi-Fab Collab Virtual Exhibition
Saturday, April 10 @ 5 pm on Gather.Town
For our inaugural year of the Digi-fab Collab program, we're holding a virtual exhibition to showcase the designs and objects created by its members
In light of the stay-at-home efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.